

top - 15:35:31 up  2:00,  1 user,  load average: 0.90, 1.29, 1.42
Tasks: 410 total,   1 running, 408 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s):  2.2 us,  3.1 sy,  0.0 ni, 94.7 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
MiB Mem :  31957.2 total,   1377.1 free,  14744.4 used,  15835.6 buff/cache
MiB Swap:   2048.0 total,   2048.0 free,      0.0 used.  15602.7 avail Mem 

第二行,Task: 410 个进程总数,1个进正在运行,408个在休眠,0和已经停止,1个僵尸进程


       Line 2 shows CPU state percentages based on the interval since the last refresh.

       As  a default, percentages for these individual categories are displayed.  Where two labels are shown below, those for more recent ker‐
       nel versions are shown first.
           us, user    : time running un-niced user processes
           sy, system  : time running kernel processes
           ni, nice    : time running niced user processes  //用于运行修改过nice值的用户进程占用的cpu时间
           id, idle    : time spent in the kernel idle handler //idle 空闲。
           wa, IO-wait : time waiting for I/O completion
           hi : time spent servicing hardware interrupts
           si : time spent servicing software interrupts
           st : time stolen from this vm by the hypervisor


# 一 按内存、CPU排行

Shift + M 或者 P


# 二、查看进程的线程

H 控制显示线程与否

1. 查看所有


2. 指定pid

top -p {pid}


3. 查看指定进程的线程

top -T -p {pid}


//也可以用 ps -T -p {pid}
